Terms & Conditions of Enrolment
Enrolment & Selection
- Courses are open to all adults 16 years and over.
- The student is responsible for notifying the RTO if they have a medical condition or disability or require assistance in their training.
- A deposit must accompany enrolment to secure a placement.
- It is the student’s responsibility to note the date, time and location of the course as advertised.
- Courses with low enrolments may be cancelled, every effort will be made to contact students, please ensure your contact details are correct.
- Requests from the student to transfer or credit their course placement due to changed personal circumstances will be considered and every effort will be made to ensure a placement into an alternative course.
- If you are unable to complete your course, due to changed personal circumstances, the RTO will make every effort to ensure you are placed into an alternative pre-scheduled course.
- Students can only join after course commencement date if they meet all prerequisites. Full course fees are still payable for late enrolments.
- The RTO reserves the right to decline admission to a course, terminate a student's enrolment in a class or change a course or tutor at any time without notice.
- Students participate in courses involving physical activity; field trips, practical demonstrations etc. and do so at their own risk. The RTO’s students are covered by public liability insurance whilst working within the RTO’s premises.
Training Guarantee
The RTO will guarantee to complete all training and / or assessment once the student has commenced study in their chosen qualification or course of study, unless the student submits a formal Letter of Withdrawal (link) notifying the RTO that they wish to withdraw. If a student voluntarily drops out, this guarantee is valid for a maximum of six months from initial course commencement date.
Course Fees, Payments and Refunds
- Please refer to the course flyers for information on all fees, including course fees; administration fees; materials fees and any other charges.
- A non-refundable deposit must be paid, prior to course commencement, to confirm a place into a course.
- Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued to students who are assessed as competent in the units completed. The cost of the certificates is included in the course fees.
- Deposits are non-refundable (deposits are outlined on each course flyer) but can be transferred to another course or student.
- Refunds may be made in the following circumstances:
- Participants have overpaid the administration charge
- Participants enrolled in training that has been cancelled by the RTO
- Participant advises the RTO prior to course commencement that they are withdrawing from the course
- If the participant withdraws from a course or program due to illness or extreme hardship as determined by the RTO
- An administration fee will be charged to any student who withdraws from a course in excess of 3 working days prior to course commencement.
- No refunds will be issued once the course has commenced.
- Students are responsible for the safe storage of their Certificates and Statements of Attainment. If a student requires a reissue of their Certificate or Statement of Attainment, an administration fee of $80 will be charged.
Course Fees paid in Advance
The RTO requires a minimum deposit, which will not exceed $1500 per individual student, prior to course commencement. If the full course fees are below $1000, the full fees may be required prior to course commencement. Please refer to the course flyers for deposits and course fees.
Following course commencement, full fees will be required to be paid by either a payment plan (if remaining fees are over $1500), or in full (if the remaining fees are below $1500) for tuition and other services yet to be delivered.
Complaints and Appeals
The RTO recognises that differences and grievances can arise from time to time. The quick settlement of these matters is in the best interest of all parties concerned and the following steps are implemented to ensure this happens.
- Inform the RTO if you are dissatisfied or have any concerns about our products, services, processes or policies.
- Inform the RTO if you think you have been treated unfairly or unjustly. the RTO will discuss the matter with you and try to resolve the problem.
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution we will refer the matter to an independent mediator.
- If all parties cannot reach a satisfactory solution you have the right to seek representation and appeal under the relevant State or Federal Law.
Credit Transfer
The RTO recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation.
Credit Transfer will be awarded for all units of competencies that directly align with units from the qualification the student has enrolled. Evidence of competences achieved must be supplied for recognition to be processed (ie presentation of original certificate or transcript).
Please refer to the Student Handbook or contact the office for the procedure on how to apply for a Credit Transfer.
Literacy, Numeracy and Numeracy (LLN)
LLN support is available to provide students with advice and support services in the provision of language, literacy and numeracy assessment services. Students needing assistance with their learning should be identified upon enrolment. Trainers and staff within the RTO can provide students with support to assist the student throughout the learning process.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are generally included and identified in Training Packages and accredited course programs. In identifying language, literacy and numeracy requirements, students’ are required to have basic skills in:
- Count, check and record accurately
- Read and interpret
- Estimate, calculate and measure
All students undertaking a Certificate III qualification or below are required to undertake an LLN Assessment.
Support Services
The RTO caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify and respond to the learning needs of all clients. Clients are encouraged to express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning experience from the initial enrolment and induction stage. The RTO will analyse who the target candidates are and whether an individual, a specific group or a broad target group and will determine the key characteristics and needs of candidates.
The RTO is committed to providing clients requiring additional support, advice or assistance while training. To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, The RTO provides client vocational counselling to improve and extend training outcomes. Students are advised to make an appointment with their trainer in the first instance, if required the student can then schedule an appointment with the RTO for further counselling.
Access to Records
All student records, such as personal details and records of participation and progress, are kept within a secure area (both electronic and hard files). An electronic record of each Student’s enrolment and participation is kept on the Student Management System for a period of 30 years, this record is password protected and is only accessible by employees of the RTO.
All students have the right to access their record of participation and progress within a timely manner, in order for a student to access their records they are required to forward a request in writing to the RTO. If the student wishes to provide a third party with access to their records, they should state this in their formal request in writing.
The RTO will provide, within 48 hours of receiving the written request, a transcript of the student’s participation and progress.
Legislative and Regulatory Requirements
All students will undergo an induction with the RTO, which will include the student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements. Students are issued with a Student Handbook, which also includes the Student’s rights and responsibilities that will affect their participation in vocational education and training. The student acknowledges that they must observe The RTO’s policies and procedures, according to State and Federal Government legislative and regulatory requirements, as set out in the Student Handbook.
Workplace Health & Safety
Our RTO is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the benefit of all clients, visitors and employees.
The RTO monitors and maintains the appropriate Workplace Health and Safety levels and obligations under the Federal and State rules and regulations of the QLD Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011.
In consideration of all the RTO clients and students it is important that adherence to all legislative acts and regulations are observed while undertaking training. If students have any concerns or notice a condition or practice that seems unsafe, it is important it is brought to the attention of the RTO’s management.